Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Suck

Here's the thing. Fishing sucks.

No - really - it does. Fishing sucks.

Most days on the water are mediocre at best, and some days are downright brutal. Cast after cast, drift after drift pass by both uneventfully and unrewarded.  We make the two hour drive to our favorite section of the river, only to find it seemingly devoid of life. We're greeted by dozens of porpoising behemoths only to have our best offerings refused. We forget the beer. We fall in.

We're humiliated by animals that are several million years behind us on the evolutionary time line.

The jury is out. Fishing sucks.

And just when all your rods and reels seem destined for Ebay - just when you start to think of taking up golf, badminton, buzkashi or jai alai - you catch fish like these ...

God, I love the suck.


Michael Agneta said...

Fish like that definitely suck...:)

Shaq said...

Yes indeed, it does suck...and yet I'm hopelessly addicted

Parker James said...

Yup--but the rewards are so sweet as to eclipse the other.