Sunday, May 15, 2011

My 15 Minutes ...

Drew Price is an accomplished angler, guide, blogger, and teacher. He is the owner and operator of Master Class Angling, a guide service working out of the Vermont north country, and a Vermont state record holder for white-sucker (when you're done chuckling understand that Drew targets with the long rod, all manner of warm water species ... some of which I can almost certainly guarantee you've never even imagined). For whatever reason, he decided this week to descend from his lofty height to interview me for his blog, Drew Price Fly Fishing. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the process. Drew may look like the grumpy old troll who lives under the bridge (little Dora the Explorer reference for those of you with young children), but he's a good man and a most accomplished bug-chucker. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't flattered by the invitation, and that I didn't enjoy answering the questions.

You'll find the interview here, Drew's state record sucker here, and pictures of two-headed calves here.

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